Hello, WWDC16
- 27th year
- 13 million developers
- 74 countries
- 70% first attendees
App Store
- 2 million apps
- 130 billion times downloads
- 15 billion dollars for developers
4 Apple Platforms
- watchOS
- tvOS
- OS X
- iOS
watchOS 3
- performance update
- launch dock by side button
- Control center
- Scribble
- hand writing text input
- new watch faces
- change watch faces by swipe
- Emergency call by side button
- Activity sharing
- mode for wheel chair users
- new app “Breathe”
- Apple Pay in Apple
- SpriteKit & SceneKit
- Crown & Touch events
- Developer Preview from Today, coming in fall
- 1300 video channels
- 6000 apps
- new Remote app
- Siri searches youtube
- Single sign on
- dark mode
- download sync
- ReplayKit, PhotoKit, HomeKit
- Developer Preview from Today, coming in fall
- OS X to macOS
- name is Sierra
- Continuity
- Auto Unlock, unlock by close iPhone or Apple Watch
- Universal Clipboard, copy and paste between mac and iPhone
- iCloud
- Desktop iCloud sync
- Apple Pay
- Apple Pay on the Web
- Pay with Apple Pay button
- Tabs
- All apps can use tab
- Picture in picture
- Siri
- Developer Preview from Today, coming in all
iOS 10
- biggest iOS release ever, 10 big features
- Experience
- Redesigned lock screen
- Rich notification
- 3D Touch shortcuts
- Control center, swipe to music
- Widgets on lock screen and home screen 2. Siri
- Siri API released, SiriKit
- Messaging
- Ride booking
- Photo search
- Workouts
- Payments
- VoIP calling
- Car Play 3. QuickType
- intelligent suggestions
- current location
- contact information
- intelligent scheduling
- calendar availability
- recent address
- lookup 4. Photos
- Places view
- Advanced Computer vision
- Face recognition
- Object & Scene recognition
- Memories
- movies are created automatically
- Maps
- movies are created automatically
- All new design
- Proactive
- map suggests places
- Enhanced search
- new design navigation
- Map extensions, add extension to map
- Music
- All new design 7. News 8. HomeKit
- new Home app
- Access HomeKit devices from home app
- Home app can be accessed by Siri, and Control center 9. Phone
- Voicemail transcription
- Lock screen
- Recents
- Contacts
- Messages
- Rich links
- inline camera & photos
- 3x bigger emoji
- emoji tap highlight
- Bubble effects
- Invisible link, show text, photo by swiping
- handwritten text
- full screen effects
- iMessage app store
- Stickers
- Notes collaboration
- Developer Preview from Today, public beta in July.
- Swift Playgrounds
- run swift code on iPad
- Developer Preview from Today, coming in fall
- Free
エンジニアリング Apple WWDC
try! Swift Tokyo 2024
try! Swift Tokyo 2024の参加メモ
SwiftUI TabBar
Bootstrap DarkMode
brew upgradeで Your CLT does not support macOS 11というエラーがでた
homebrew macOS Big Sur
Apple Silicon搭載 MacBook Pro M1で Homebrewとrbenvをインストールする
先日購入したApple Silicon搭載 MacBook Pro M1にこのブログをビルドするためにHomebrewとrbenvをインストールしたのでメモ。
Apple Silicon Homebrew rbenv
Apple Silicon搭載のMacBook Pro M1が危うく文鎮化するところだったので記録
Apple Silicon搭載のMacBook Pro 13インチを仕事用に購入したのですが、クリーンインストールしたところ文鎮化しかけたので記録しておきます。
MacBook Pro Apple Apple Silicon M1
Platform State of the Unionまとめ
Platform State of the Unioまとめ
WWDC2020 Apple アップル iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
WWDC2020 キーノートまとめ
WWDC2020 Apple アップル iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
GitHub Pagesで無料ブログを作成する - Part4 自分のオリジナルのテーマを作る
GitHub Pages ブログ
GitHub Pagesで無料ブログを作成する - Part3 Jekyllの設定をカスタマイズする
GitHub Pages ブログ